Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Definitely, Maybe

"I don't think anybody imagines on their wedding day that they'll be in the 46% who doesn't live happily ever after..."

Directed by Adam Brooks
Date Viewed: Tuesday March 30, 2010

I was really hesitant to watch this movie. For me Ryan Reynolds is hit or miss (same with the rest of the cast which includes Elizabeth Banks, Abigail Breslin, Isla Fisher and Rachel Weisz). Romantic comedies are hit or miss. Plus the story didn't look all that interesting. I saw one too many previews though and curiosity got the better of me. I had to know how it ended. This is the story of Will (Ryan Reynolds) who is about to sign his divorce papers. His daughter, Maya (Abigail Breslin) wants to hear the story of how her parents met so Will obliges, but changes the names and tells the story of the three main women he dated. Basically its How I Met Your Mother in movie form. Except without Barney. Or big laughs. And without being legen wait for it dary. Anyways, basically Will has a college girlfriend "Emily" (Elizabeth Banks) who he leaves in Madison while going off to New York. Meets "April" (Isla Fisher) who he becomes good friends with. Is intrigued by "Summer" (Rachel Weisz) and drama ensues. Eventually Maya figures out the ending to the story and realizes that Will was always in love with one of the other women (not her mom) and that now that he's divorced he should go after her. So she helps him find and woo her. Kinda weird. I've never known a preteen kid to be so happy that her parents are divorcing and that dad has a new girlfriend the day he signs the divorce papers... Oh well, it's Hollywood. Sorry if that was confusing... :) The movie is sort of original for a romantic comedy in the puzzle-ish story telling. I was almost happy close to the end when I thought it was going to just be a messy ending, but of course they had to wrap it all up neatly. I loved the relationship between Will and Maya and how they talked and interacted. Overall I think I would give this a C+

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