Sunday, November 14, 2010

Another mass reviewing...

Smallville Seasons 4 and 5: Yeah, I'm really on a Smallville kick. I have to review these two together since I'm at the point where I can't differentiate them, they're all running together now... These are my favorite seasons so far. It's getting much darker and more serious. Clark is definitely the worst character by far. He's so self righteous and nosy. He demands answers from people, but then when they ask him questions he clams up. He's just obnoxious. But I LOVE all the minor characters. Especially Lex Luthor and his father, Lionel. They are really great characters, and you never really know what they're up to or who's side they are on. B+

Friday Night Lights: Bobby's probably going to kill me for this, but I didn't really like this movie. I just felt like it didn't go into the characters enough, I didn't feel very attatched to any of them. Maybe I'm just footballed out. Everyone here in Alabama is OBSESSED with college football. So much so that they assume that everyone that they come in contact with is as obsessed with it as they are and they assume that your mututal love for football can be your common ground. Every conversation starts with "Are you Alabama or Auburn?" Cars are covered in team paraphernalia. Everywhere you go you're bombarded with Crimson and white, houndstooth or orange and blue. If Bobby's wearing a hat that has a college team that is not an Alabama team random people will stop and make comments about it. Saturdays are devoted to sitting together and watching game after game after game of college football. Its ridiculous. So I probably should've waited to watch this movie until after football season is a distant memory. Anyways, this movie is about a high school football team that plays some football. Yay. C

Toy Story 3: So I saw this movie in Nicaragua... Well some of it. It was in Spanish so I fell asleep. But I woke up and saw the ending... Seeing it in English was a lot more fun! I loved watching what toys go through at a daycare center since I've seen it first hand. :) I can't believe that here we are on the second sequel and it's still good! Such a rarity. A

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