Directed by Tony Scott
Unstoppable is about a train, that because of stupidity, got away. Conveniently, this train that was so carelessly left running while the conductor hopped out for a second was carrying a bunch of cars filled with a toxic substance that would explode on impact. A lot of the movie is about them yelling at each other and trying to figure out how to stop the train and the other part focuses on two conductors on a train, an old guy and a young guy, who are snippy toward each other until they are forced to come together and help stop the runaway train...
This movie is soooo Tony Scott, the coloring, the camera work, the use of slow-mo, and the random police car that is driving so fast the it just all of a sudden flips over.... However, this movie was way better than I thought it'd be. I think it's one of the better Tony Scott films of late. C+
This movie is soooo Tony Scott, the coloring, the camera work, the use of slow-mo, and the random police car that is driving so fast the it just all of a sudden flips over.... However, this movie was way better than I thought it'd be. I think it's one of the better Tony Scott films of late. C+
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