Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day

"There's two kinds of people in this world when you boil it all down. You got your talkers and you got your doers. Most people are just talkers, all they do is talk, but when it is all said and done, it's the doers that change this world. And when they do that, they change us, and that's why we never forget them. So which one are you? do you just talk about it, or do you stand up and do something about it?

Directed by Troy Duffy
Date Viewed: Sunday April 25, 2010 (second viewing)

This movie turned out to be very uncomfortable to watch with my pastor dad..... Ha ha.. I forgot how bad the language is. My younger bro told me that the language even started to bother him so I know I'm not alone when I say that sometimes swearing just gets to be way too much. This is the second time we see the McManus brothers (Sean Patrick Flannery and Norman Reedus) as they go on a vigilante killing spree to take out some major Russian Mafia players who killed a priest. This movie largely follows the same formula as the first one where you see them about to go kill some folks and then it cuts to the police at the crime scene who look at the evidence and then tell the story of what happened inter cut with scenes of the Bros doing the killing. The upside is that this movie does not take itself seriously at all, which is good because if it had it would've been totally ridiculous. There are also a lot of winks to the first movie which makes it seem like an inside joke that much more and basically if you didn't like or haven't seen the first one, then you'll probably hate this one. I loved Julie Benz as Detective Eunice Bloom. She just looked like she was having so much fun making this movie (and if you haven't watched the show Dexter, you should because she's awesome in that too... Plus its just an awesome show). The same goes for Clifton Collins Jr. who played the Bro's new sidekick, Romeo. I love when you watch a ridiculous movie but the actors just seem like they're having a great time. I just read a review on Amazon and it said that the first Boondock Saints movie "was not a good movie, but it had a weird, unique energy" and I think that that's very true of this one too. It's not a very good movie but there's something about it that is just very endearing. It's weird. It's really hard to decide on a grade for this one because it doesn't seem like it should be good enough for a B, but it seems like a C would be harsh so I will put it in the C+ to B- range.

1 comment:

  1. I have a movie assignment for you... Sean Patrick Flanery is starring in a new movie! Syfy original movie: Mongolian Death Worm! Lemme kno if its as awesome as it seems!
